Grocery Store Girls

A little while ago I went to the local store to buy some groceries. I am not fit, nor thin. I am on the plus-size side.

Two girls were in the parking lot, randomly making fun of people that walked by and insulting them. As soon as I pulled up and parked, they immediately started saying things to me, but I couldn't hear them. Once I stepped out of the car, their laughter roared even louder.

They started saying how fat and ugly I was, that nobody would love me. Comment after comment, they would laugh louder and louder. 

I kept on walking, ignoring them, but I took it personally. I was hurt and angry. I felt disappointed in myself, wondering if they were right about my appearance. I wanted to say something back, but I couldn't. I went into the store with their hurtful comments and laughter echoing in my head.